Built-In Wardrobe Cabinets

Hills_Robes built in wardrobes Adelaide are an efficient way to maximise your storage space. They come in various styles and can be tailored to meet individual requirements.

They’re ideal for those without the necessary woodworking skills to construct custom wardrobes. Not only are these units easy to assemble and provide straightforward instructions, but they’re also lightweight and aesthetically pleasing.

Space Saving

Hills_Robes built in wardrobes AdelaideBuilt-in wardrobe cabinets are an excellent way to maximise the use of your bedroom space. They’re more customisable than free-standing closets, allowing you to customise them according to your storage requirements. Furthermore, built-ins save time and money by eliminating the need to buy new clothing or accessories.

Whether you already have a closet or plan to build one, Hills_Robes built in wardrobes Adelaide is an excellent way to organise your clothes and accessories. Not only that, but they create an aesthetically pleasing aesthetic that matches the rest of your bedroom decor perfectly.

Before you can begin, measure the space where you plan to install your built-in wardrobe. Be sure to account for ceiling height and any sloped walls.

Once you have the measurements, you can search for a closet design that fits the space. Depending on your budget, there are various designs and features to suit your requirements.

For instance, you can invest in a drawer system with slide-out shirt drawer dividers to store various types of clothing and save space. Wardrobe organisers are another great option for small items like socks, tights and underwear; these dividers slide apart to fit the drawer size perfectly so you can quickly locate what you need.

Instead of keeping shoes in shoe boxes, try stackable shoe organisers that hold two pairs together. Not only does this save space in your closet, but it makes finding your favourite pair of sneakers much simpler.

Keep unsightly items like shoes and jewellery out of sight with woven baskets atop shelves. These containers can contain shoes, jewellery, accessories, workout clothes and PJs for easy storage.

The best part is that these lightweight items can be quickly and easily moved, making them a great addition to any closet or linen cabinet.

Saving space in your bedroom requires planning and considering what needs to be stored. Purging your closet regularly and only keeping items that you truly love and need can be a daunting task, but it’s an effective way to reduce clutter and organise your wardrobe.


Custom Hills_Robes built in wardrobes Adelaide are the answer if you require space-saving or efficient storage solutions. They come in various materials, from real wood veneers to premium decors and can even be customised according to your specifications for an eye-catching final result. With custom closet systems from Pelle, it’s easy to ensure your system stands out from competitors!

Selecting the ideal closet system for your needs and choosing a design that complements existing decor is paramount. There are plenty of options out there, and an experienced design consultant can assist in making an informed decision regarding what works best in your space.

Experience your custom closet in action by booking a complimentary consultation with one of our talented designers, who can demonstrate all its unique features and how they’ll work for you.


Built-in wardrobe cabinets are an excellent way to provide extra storage in your home. Not only are these units highly versatile, but they can also be utilised for storing various items.

Cabinets can be custom designed and constructed from a variety of materials. Popular choices include hardwood, pine, metal and glass. No matter which material you opt for, ensure it is durable, so your cabinets last for years.

A built-in wardrobe cabinet that matches any existing decor in your home will add to the space’s aesthetic appeal, making it more desirable to potential buyers. If you plan to sell your house, this is an excellent idea as it makes the space appear larger and more inviting.

You can customise a built-in wardrobe cabinet to meet your needs and budget. For instance, you could select a wood finish that expresses your style or choose colours suitable for the room where it will be installed.

One of the most significant benefits of built-in wardrobe cabinets is their versatility. They can store almost anything, from blankets and clothes to sheets and more, and shoes and other accessories! Bedroom spaces often benefit from such cabinets since they keep clothing organised and neatly folded away. These make your room appear more prominent, and built-ins make any space appear even cosier!

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