Hearing Test Adelaide: How to Accurately Assess Your Hearing

If you have noticed that your hearing is declining, it is a good idea to book a professional evaluation. An in-person assessment by a trained audiologist is recommended, but online tests are also available. An online hearing test is not as accurate and can lead to false positives due to background noise, earwax blockage or illness.

A standard test is pure tone audiometry. This consists of listening to beeps at increasing volumes and indicating when you can hear them, which is then plotted on an audiogram. For more information about the accurate hearing test Adelaide, check this out.

The test

hearing test AdelaideOnline hearing tests are quick, simple and free to take. They are not a replacement for a comprehensive hearing test with a trained audiologist, but they can be an excellent first step.

A complete professional hearing test – pure tone audiometry – is typically conducted in a quiet, sound-treated room with headphones or earbuds. You will be asked to listen to tones at varying frequencies and pitches, and your responses will be plotted on an audiogram.

Pure-tone audiometry checks the softest sounds you can hear in each frequency range – your hearing thresholds. It can take between 2 and 4 minutes and is most effective if you use over-ear or in-ear headphones to maximise sound quality and accuracy. Some professional hearing exams may also include speech audiometry, which evaluates the softest words you can understand in a noisy environment. This can help identify your hearing loss and whether it’s affecting your ability to communicate in real life.


The hearing test is performed by a certified audiologist, who uses various exams to measure your ability to hear different sounds. This helps determine the type of hearing loss you may have. For more information about the accurate hearing test Adelaide, check this out.

The audiologist will also visually inspect your ears to ensure no foreign bodies or excess wax are blocking the auditory pathways. They will also perform a middle ear pressure test, known as tympanometry, to ensure no fluid buildup built up in the middle ear, causing blockages.

Hearing tests for children are also conducted regularly in schools and kindergartens, as early detection is vital for healthy growth and development. Online hearing tests are an excellent way to screen for potential problems but don’t provide the same level of accuracy as a professional hearing test. They can, however, encourage you to seek further consultation from an audiologist. They can then advise you on your circumstances’ best course of action. This may include assistive devices such as hearing aids.


The hair cells within the inner ear bend in response to vibrations created by sound pressure. These bends send a signal to the auditory nerve that is then translated into an acoustic message that the brain can understand. If these hair cells are damaged, the acoustic message may not reach the brain clearly, and the person may have hearing loss.

The simplest method of testing hearing is called pure tone audiometry and involves sitting in a soundproof booth and listening to a sequence of beeps or whistles (known as pure tones) while indicating when you can hear them. Each tone is lowered in volume until it is hardly audible, and your hearing thresholds (the quietest sounds you can listen to) are recorded on a graph known as an audiogram. For more information about the accurate hearing test Adelaide, check this out.

This test is quick and easy to complete and can be done by anyone of any age. If you do this test and detect some form of hearing loss, it’s worth attending a hearing assessment to gain personalised advice and treatment options.


The best way to accurately assess your hearing is in a clinical setting with a trained audiologist. A brief case history will be taken to rule out temporary conditions that may impact the results, such as recent noise exposure and fluctuating hearing thresholds.

An online hearing test is not as accurate and can lead to false positives due to background noise, earwax blockage or illness. Apps such as Decibel Pro are quick and easy to use but don’t offer the same level of detail as a professional hearing test.

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