Sports Physio Adelaide: Sports Injury Physio Adelaide

Our physicians’ physios are fully qualified to assess, treat, and manage sports injuries. They will provide a full injury assessment, educate you on what has happened and possible contributing factors, and work with you to devise a management plan for quick recovery.

sports injury physio AdelaideIt will include a personalised rehabilitation program that will prepare you for the physical demands of your sport and your short and long-term goals. It will consist of targeted muscle strengthening and power exercises. For more information about the sports injury physio Adelaide, click here.


Whether you’re an Olympic athlete or a Sunday morning golfer, my PhysioSA Sports Physios have the advanced training and experience to assess your sporting injury accurately. They can then get you feeling better and back to your sport fast.

They’re experienced in the management of both acute and chronic sporting injuries and have an extensive understanding of musculoskeletal injuries. Our physiotherapists can also help you understand the contributing factors that lead to your injury and advise strategies to reduce these inefficiencies in your movement patterns.


MyPhysioSA has the experience and knowledge to accurately assess and treat your sports injury so that you can return to playing and training as soon as possible. We work closely with Adelaide’s elite sporting organisations (South Australian Sports Institute, Hockey Australia, North Adelaide Football Club) to get their athletes back on the field fast.

Treatment of a sports injury typically involves soft tissue techniques, joint mobilisation/manipulation, acupuncture & and dry needling and a structured exercise program to facilitate recovery of the injured tissues. We can also identify the contributing muscle impairments that may be causing your symptoms and address them with specific strength/power and agility exercises to minimise the risk of re-injury.

Our physios will provide you with a detailed injury assessment, educate you on the reason for your injury, discuss possible factors that contributed to it, and discuss short-term and long-term goals. We are also happy to work with your coach/trainer/club and keep them in the loop to ensure a smooth return to sport.


Our physiotherapists are expertly trained to assess and treat sports injuries. They will work with you to understand the physical demands of your sport and determine a management plan that includes short and long-term goals. It will help ensure you return to play at your best with reduced injury risk and improved performance.

Our treatment techniques will include joint mobilisation, soft tissue massage, and sports-specific rehabilitative exercises to restore movement, strength and function. We also identify contributing factors to your injury and address these as part of your treatment plan to prevent re-injury.

Physios have a team of highly trained physiotherapists and remedial massage therapists. We offer personalised ‘hands-on’ treatments and provide education to improve your long-term outcomes. We are dedicated to providing exceptional service and care with honesty and integrity. Our clinic has a fully functional rehab gym with Olympic weights, Pilates reformers and exercise equipment. We accept work coverage, motor accident, and DVA patients and are bulk billed. For more information about the sports injury physio Adelaide, click here.

Preventing re-injury

Physiotherapists are trained to assess athletes’ biomechanics, strength and flexibility to identify injury risk factors. By addressing these issues proactively, a physiotherapist can help prevent sports injuries before they occur.

Often, sports injuries are caused by repetitive or excessive load on an area of the body. A physiotherapist can identify these overload or reduced conditioning risk factors and develop an appropriate exercise program to improve the balance of muscle groups around the injured site.

It can prevent the recurrence of an injury and help an athlete return to sport without injury. Our physiotherapists are also happy to work closely with an athlete’s coaches and trainers to ensure that the injury recovery process is managed smoothly so they can get back in the game as quickly as possible. For more information about the sports injury physio Adelaide, click here.

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