What Is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)?

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) refers to optimising a website’s technical configuration, content relevance and link popularity to enhance its search engine results pages (SERPs).

Seo-Marketer SEO company Adelaide Seo-Marketer SEO company strategy that aligns with your target audience’s needs and wants can help your product or service stand out in a competitive market, landing a spot on the first page of SERPs for crucial search terms that people are likely to use when searching.

Competitor analysis

Competitive analysis is a vital precursor to business planning: it gives insight into your competitors and helps create winning strategies. Before launching or changing any aspect of the company, an examination should be undertaken whenever process changes occur.

Seo-Marketer SEO company Adelaide offers valuable services enabling companies to conduct competitive analyses and uncover actionable insights to drive their businesses forward. Through this process, blind spots will be identified and removed, as well as improved processes that set you up for long-term success in your industry.

As part of your competitor analysis, gather information about their products, services, pricing strategies, service areas covered, reputation and marketing tactics. It is also essential to consider indirect competitors and newcomers to the industry who may emerge through indirect and substitute competition in similar categories.

Use your compiled data to compare your product and services with competitors. Take note of their marketing techniques, usage of keywords, unique selling points and any potential unique selling propositions they might possess. Record your findings in an Excel spreadsheet.

Once you have identified competitors, start gathering their mentions in social media either using an automated social listening tool or manually analysing any mentions made of them in real time.

In the end, you’ll have a spreadsheet full of mentions that give quick answers to how your competitors are doing in social media and offer insight into other aspects of their business if you review each mention individually.

On-page optimisation

On-page optimisation involves improving the content and elements that search engines use to rank websites, such as HTML code, internal links, metadata (meta title, meta description and keyword density) etc.

Google and other search engines use spiders, or crawlers, to scour the internet and compile an index of content known as a search index. As they crawl your pages’ content, they evaluate how well it meets user queries.

A good SEO firm will conduct an in-depth analysis of your business, its target audience and competition to understand what steps must be taken for maximum SEO potential. They’ll then make their recommendations accordingly.

On-page optimisation’s primary goal is to make it easier for search engines to understand your content and rank it higher on SERPs. A good SEO company will implement several strategies to maximise the search engine ranking success of your website’s content – including:

E-A-T stands for “expertise, authority, and trustworthiness,” algorithmic metric search engines use to assess how closely web pages match a user query. Google’s Quality Rater Guidelines detail this factor extensively, making E-A-T one of the primary factors affecting your page’s ranking performance.

As well as employing E-A-T techniques, another way you can improve the performance of your website is by optimising its content for mobile users and making sure it’s safe to navigate. You can do this by adding jump links or writing scannable articles.

Optimising pages for SEO means identifying the keywords most applicable to your business and creating content specifically tailored to them. Keyword research allows you to select valuable words, thereby increasing conversions.

Conversion rate optimisation

Conversion Rate Optimisation, or CRO, involves improving your website or marketing campaign to increase the chances of visitors taking an action you desire, whether clicking a button or making a purchase. CRO best practices consider past user behaviour as it optimises conversion.

An A/B test can help increase conversion rates. By splitting your traffic into two groups and showing each version to them separately, A/B testing allows you to experiment with headlines, buttons, website designs, etc., until finding which works best for your audience.

Use Google Analytics to monitor your site’s conversion rates and success metrics, which is an excellent way of seeing where there are problems or what pages require more work.

Understand that there is no industry average conversion rate; your conversion rate depends on your niche, goals, and traffic channel. For instance, an FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) e-commerce website would likely have a significantly different conversion rate than one selling insurance policies.

No matter the nature of your business, its primary goal should always be converting as many potential customers into paying ones – this will serve as your primary source of revenue and an indicator of its success.

That is why conducting a site audit and examining conversion issues is crucial. Doing this will enable you to pinpoint critical areas for improvement, such as slow page load speed or mobile website issues that need attention.

Posted in SEO

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